Friday, February 28, 2014

Presentation Variables

The presentation variable is the only variable offer by the presentation service.
You can use direct system presentation variable (pre-populate or system presentation variable).
You can set it up (with a dashboard prompt, with a javascript, …) with a dashboard prompt, it will take the data type of the presentation column.
The presentation variable can be referenced in various areas of presentation service (such as answer and dashboard).

Where can I use a presentation variable ?

You can reference Presentation variables in the following areas :
  • Answers :
    • Title Views
    • Narrative Views
    • Column Filters
    • Column Formulas
    • Conditional Formatting conditions
    • Chart scale markers.
    • Gauge range settings.
    • Static text.
  • iBot Headlines and text

What Predefined Presentation Variables Are Available?

The presentation service has some presentation variables that are reserved to give specific information. 

You can use them in your answer such as @{system.currentTime} to filter depending of the current time.

List of the predefined presentation variables that you can reference in analyses, dashboards, KPIs, and agents. (Note that the syntax for these predefined presentation variables omits the variables. qualifier, for example, @{session.locale} rather than @{session.variables.locale}.)

ScopePresentation VariableExampleDescription
sessionsession.locale@{session.locale} = en-gb
sessionsession.language@{session.language} = en
sessionsession.rtl@{session.rtl} = falseThis indicates whether the language selection in the Login page is a right to left language. For example, if the language selection is Hebrew, then this variable returns true.
sessionsession.loginTime@{session.loginTime} = 6/29/2009 7:12:01 PM
sessionsession.logoutTime@{session.logoutTime } = 6/29/2009 8:02:01 PM
sessionsession.lastAccessTime@{session.lastAccessTime} = 6/29/2009 7:35:59 PM
sessionsession.currentUser10g @{} or 11g @{session.currentUser} = administrator = $ English - United States11g OBIEE 11G - Currency
sessioncurrency.symbolsession.currency.symbol = $11g
sessioncurrency.userPreferencesession.currency.userPreference = Global Currency 211g
sessionsession.timeZone@{session.timeZone}{} = (GMT-06:00) Central AmericaReturns a value that is not localized.{} = (GMT-06:00) Central AmericaReturns a value that is localized.
sessionsession.timeZone.value@{session.timeZone.value} = (GMT-06:00) Central AmericaReturns a value that is localized.
useruser.homeDirectory@{user.homeDirectory} = /users/administrator{} = administrator
useruser.displayName@{user.displayName} = administrator
userdashboard.currentPage@{dashboard.currentPage} = test page nameIn 10G, Use instead and dashboard.currentPage.path
userdashboard.xml@{dashboard.xml} = the dashboard XML
dashboardcurrentPagedashboard.currentPage = page 111g
dashboardxmldashboard.xml = the dashboard XML11g = Euro11g OBIEE 11G - Currency
dashboarddashboard.currency.symboldashboard.currency.symbol = $11g
dashboarddashboard.currency.userPreferencedashboard.currency.userPreference = Global Currency 1
dashboarddashboard.pathdashboard.path = /users/administrator/_portal/Sales = MyDashboard11g
dashboarddashboard.captiondashboard.caption = SalesThis returns the localized name of the dashboard.
dashboarddashboard.location@{dashboard.location} = Dashboard&PortalPath=/users/administrator/_portal10g/11g - This returns theURL for the location.
dashboarddashboard.descriptiondashboard.description = Sales by region and district11g = Administrator11g = Sales page 110g/11g
dashboard.currentPagedashboard.currentPage.pathdashboard.currentPage.path = /users/administrator/_portal/Sales/page 110G/11g
dashboard.currentPagedashboard.currentPage.currency.namedashboard.currentpage.currency. name = USD11g
dashboard.currentPagedashboard.currentPage.currency.symboldashboard.currentPage.currency. symbol = USD11g
dashboard.currentPagedashboard.currentPage.currency.userPreferencedashboard.currentPage.currency.userPreference = Global Currency 2 = $ English - United States11g
analysisreport.currency.symbolreport.currency.symbol = $11g
analysisreport.currency.userPreferencereport.currency.userPreference = Global Currency 211g
A presentation variable is a variable that you can create as part of the process of creating one of the following types of dashboard prompts:

  • Column prompt — A presentation variable created as part of a column prompt is associated with a column, and the values that it can take come from the column values.
  • Variable prompt — A presentation variable created as part of a variable prompt is not associated with any column, and you define the values that it can take.

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